Advanced Space-themed Crossword Puzzle
Listed Items
- 1. An aerial phenomenon with an unknown source
- 1. The world of space and time
- 2. A star that suddenly increases in brightness and then fades away quickly
- 3. A shortcut through the universe
- 4. A telescope-equipped facility
- 5. Object in space that orbits the earth
- 6. A round object that rises and sets each day
- 7. A tool to observe distant objects
- 8. Person who studies the motion, composition, and origin of celestial bodies
- 9. Course taken by a spacecraft around a celestial body
- 10. A visitor from another planet
- 11. A large system of stars, dust, and gas held together by gravity
- 12. A device used to travel to outer space
- 13. A small, rocky object that moves around the sun
- 14. The branch of science that deals with the origin, evolution, and structure of the universe
- 15. A force that pulls objects toward each other
- 16. One who flies in a spacecraft
- 17. A mission to go outside a space vehicle
- 18. A celestial object with a bright, long tail that orbits the sun